Teskilat Episode 69 Urdu Subtitles free

What are we going to do, Teskilat Episode 69 Urdu Subtitles free dad? [Music Playing] This won’t happen. I can’t be. It’s all in your beautiful hands, Marquise. If you do what they say… …your life will go on. [Footsteps] Here comes the expected man. Algeria loved it from your mother-in-law. We were just about to have dinner with Firuze. Isn’t it? With tataball.

Teskilat Episode 69 Urdu Subtitles free

I’ll chop you up with this blunt knife. Jealousy. Very primitive behavior. Turquoise. Get out and wait for me outside. [Music Playing] Look. This is my last word to you. [Music Playing] Do n’t come here again. [Music Plays] [Music Plays] As far as I know… …you’re back with your ex-wife. You divorced the doctor lady. Turquoise. A young,… …beautiful,… …single woman.

She can go out to dinner with whomever she wants… …isn’t it, my dear? You are not a man. You know there are mollusks? Such invertebrates. They’re cephalopods. Like a snail. If he goes underfoot too much… …like that… …you’ll crush him. Without realizing it. So are you. You’re going to boil away. I put you in the place of a human being,… ..at my desk,… …and into my assembly. But… ..next… …to my family,… … to my relatives,… … if you approach in any way… …I will crush you.

Give it up, Algeria. Give up. Stop looking for your brother’s murderer… …live your life. Look. You have a wife. You have children, you have children. You have money, you have money. Life is short. Look how much life we ​​have left… …it’s not even clear. Don’t waste it. In your brother’s grave… …not even his bones remained. [Music Plays] [Knife Sound] [Music Plays] What do people live for, man?

What? Answer me, what does he live for? [Music Plays] He lives for his family. Tansu. [Music Playing] You wouldn’t know. You fell from the eyes of your family at a young age. Really… …what happened Tansu? [Music Plays] …how can a family hate… …his son. Anyway. I will not extend. I gave up my seventeen years… …to destroy my brother’s killers. I’d give the rest of my life… …to find other shooters.

[Music Playing] Thank you. Your mother is awake, Algeria. It was fine. I will drop Firuze home. You follow us. OK chief. Ekabir brother, you… …brother, why don’t you tell me? How should I know that woman… …that she is aunt Müjgan. And you come to me in the car… …you say that I’m going to shoot Algeria. You did everything you could to hurt you. Why did you do this, Ekabir brother why did you do it?

Teskilat Episode 69 Urdu Subtitles free

Greatness. Life is a mountain. Everyone is playing for the top, let me sell the mother. Some are climbing… ..some are falling. Some break their head, eye, arm, leg. But they cut off my hands and feet, man. After this time, the summit of that mountain… …what can I do, they stole my view. Brother. Forty years. Let me love your eyes, wish for easy forty years. What a love this is, what a love this is, friend.

Didn’t you say let me start over… …let me establish a new order for myself. Let me take life in my hands again. I mean, let’s start all over again. If I pull out the gun one day… …hold it to my temple and squeeze it… …know that I told you so. Greatness. I do not betray anyone. Do you think I will do it to my own heart?

Teskilat Episode 69 Urdu Subtitles free

We loved it once, it’s over. There is no more. Don’t look at the lion tiger poses like that. Did it come to love… …I’m a dove whose wife is dead, son. I have no arm, no wing. I don’t have to live. [Music Plays] Come on, get in the car, we talked a lot. You… … you killed Bekir in your head, didn’t you? You hit Gittin Bekir’s head… …you threw it. Did you do this unaware of Reis? Is it true? Yes.

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TRUE. What will happen to aunt Leyla? What will happen to Suna? What will happen to the people in that house? Teskilat Episode 69 Urdu Subtitles free Those people will perish, they will perish. How will we look each other in the face? How will you look at those people’s faces… …enter that house? Knowing this secret… … how am I going to carry it and walk around with Ömer Asaf? How will I look at Ömer Asaf’s face?

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Son, let me think about it. Algeria has nothing to do with these matters. The man sold his home. So I couldn’t eat it to my honor and threw one on his head, so what? Even if it is sin, it is mine, even if it is good. What’s it to you! People whose worlds will be destroyed on their heads. I mean they will be upset… Teskilat Episode 69 Urdu Subtitles free …their world will fall on their heads! Greatness to the car. I don’t have to anymore.

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