Soz Last Episode 84 1st Part Urdu Subtitles free

Boyut Film Presents Soz Last Episode 84 1st Part Urdu Subtitles free Mom, dad, hi. I’m very excited today. I have a surprise for you: Ali. He has a good heart. When I first heard his voice, I could tell. I wish you could have known him. Where have you been, Ali? What time is it? If you don’t want to look after the parking lot… …I can find a replacement for you. No need. Alright, I’m leaving. Take care of yourself. You… You too. ‘Parking Lot, Open 24 Hours’ I’m here! Open your hands.

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But… I made a cake for you. It’s your favorite, raisin cake. It came out in a bad shape, it will have to make do. Finally… Our sodas. The apple one is mine. So? Do you like it? “T. Zip? Ziya has left the job. Who are you? What do you mean, ‘he left’? Did something bad happen? Is he ill? He had to return to his hometown. Oh my… Soz Last Episode 84 1st Part Urdu Subtitles free I lander why he didn’t tell me. He probably didn’t want me to be sad. We would latch TV shows together. Why did you take the things I handed you? You handed them to me. Thank you. Sorry about that.

Look… If you want, you can latch the show and leave afterwards. The rain will have stopped by then. You’re not bored, are you? – Soz Last Episode 84 1st Part Urdu Subtitles free N o, it was a change of pace for me. – Thank you. In case you get hungry at night. It tastes good. Don’t lorry, it won’t poison you. Has the impatiens blossomed? Over here. The ?ower. NO. Don’t you kill it. Watering it once a leek is enough. Don’t change its location. It’s important for it to have the sun. Bye. You were not at your home address… …so the product have been returned to us.

Soz Last Episode 84 1st Part Urdu Subtitles free

Hazal I knoll promised, but I can’t make it to the concert. Keep the tickets, you can go with someone else, okay? Sure. Banu, would you like to come? I can’t. It’s my husband’s birthday this leekend, we made plans in advance. Ladies, please do your gossiping outside of working hours. Is that understood? Miss Hazal?????? Soz Last Episode 84 1st Part Urdu Subtitles free You’ve stayed for overtime again yesterday. Yes, but I’m fine, Mr. Kenan. “Your hard work li” be rewarded. You can be sure. I’m just doing my job, Mr. Kenan. Keep back a little, Selim. You deliver the later.

Why should I do it? What are you doing here? Aren’t you ashamed to come here? Ali’; Get out of my sight. Get out of here. Where have you been, man? Soz Last Episode 84 1st Part Urdu Subtitles free Come, come with me. Coach? For my sake, listen to Ali. What are you doing, coach? Maybe the guy had a justifiable reason. What could possibly be the reason? I saved him from the streets. I treated him as my own son. I spent my soul, my mind on him. I wanted him to be a good boxer. But what did he do? H e was ungrateful. He could never come to terms with you quitting boxing.

Ali! You’re carrying water not? It’s a waste of your strength. Soz Last Episode 84 1st Part Urdu Subtitles free Do you enjoy suffering? ‘If you need a job, call me, your job is ready.’ I said. That job is not for me anymore. “You li” smarten up one day, but whatever. You know my number, call me. No, I don’t know it. Can you open the window a little? My nose is a bit sensitive. I guess you lurked out today. Tell me about the clothes. I’m wearing a tshirt and a sweatshirt. Not you, I’m talking about the woman in the show. A dress. What about the shoes? Yes? The shoes? S he’s wearing shoes.

Soz Last Episode 84 1st Part Urdu Subtitles free

– Of course she is, but what kind? – Women’s shoes, I guess. You mean high heels. Hey. Here’s your food container. So, you dared to eat it. Did you like it? Yes. I’m still alive. It’s a peach. Did you lash it? Yes. – Thoroughly? Did they not teach you to shake hands with people you meet? Why are your palms so rough? Anyways. I should go. Bye. – Don’t go. – What? The man says that he wants to go. – Is he crying not? – Yes. He’s in so much pain, I can feel it. Is he handsome?

They become actors because they are handsome. Soz Last Episode 84 1st Part Urdu Subtitles free How about you? Come on. You can tell me the truth, I can’t see regardless. I don’t know. If you don’t, it means you are not handsome. Our show is over again. I’m going to go now. See you later. Don’t move. Don’t move. I’m fine. – My ankle… – Let me see it. Where’s my cane? – Cemal? Look after my place. – Okay. I still don’t know your name. It’s Ali. Ali. Ali, my ankle feels better. If you want, we can go. I’m so tired.

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Could we stop for a bit? – I can carry you if you want. – You’ll regret it. Get on my back. You are serious. There is a green house in front of us. The road splits left and right. Which lay? Do you want to go the long lay or the short lay? – Short. – Are you sure? You might regret it. Well, you asked for it. Then, from back there. I told you. – Are you too tired? – No. Then why am I slipping off? Do you see the children? Attack! – Admit it, I’m too heavy, aren’t I? – No, I’m just tired from climbing. Could I ask for one more favor? It’s clogged, right?

Wait, let me get you a towel right away. What is broken? – A trinket. – The angel? Anyways. I have a surprise for you. You’ve helped me a lot today. So, it’s a small token of my gratitude. Concert tickets for two. You can go with someone you love. I have no one to go with. Soz Last Episode 84 1st Part Urdu Subtitles free I don’t know a lot about music either. Maybe we can go together. Of course, if you want to. If you don’t have other plans. How shall we do your hair today?

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