Alparslan Episode 58 Urdu Subtitles Free Download

Watch the full episode Alparslan Episode 58 Urdu Subtitles Free Download from our website to support us. The translation of this episode is being presented by TurkceUrdu. From the center to all units, is everyone in position? Observer 1 I am stationed on site, we are under surveillance. Is the ocean under control? Monitor 02 is positioned.

Alparslan Episode 58 Urdu Subtitles Free Download

Got it, let’s be ready to talk anyway. What is the matter? Keep exploring. I will call if there is any progress. A strange thing! How strange, Omar Selene has not responded to my messages since yesterday. Yes, I also noticed that texting is lacking. I had been ignoring her for a while but at least she was going to text me.

It may not be a big deal. Friends, communication with Selen is very important for us. We are close to Hartley thanks to him. We are aware of the dangers we face. We value all the details. By the way, since the transmitter we installed is not connected to the clock, We cannot access the information on the cell phone.

If there is a problem, let’s solve it at once without escalating, Gurjan By the way, or did you miss the girl? The last time I left it, everything was fine. Maybe you did something without looking. The only way to find out is to call it. I will take care of it. Where is Venus? He is on his way, coming soon. Take this Are you okay, Celine? has something happened Is something bothering you? No I don’t have anything, I’m fine Is it related to age? Is there any problem between you two? We will be there in an hour. We are ready and waiting. The stuff is coming, be ready In the center, the dagger stood. where you were? The operation has started. You are the last person to arrive as the star of the party. I don’t see any operation starting. Besides, you can’t start without taking orders from me. That means my time is correct. His late arrival turned out to be perfect timing! So don’t text him. And by the way, the girl must have seen your real face. Guys, let’s focus on the operation. There is no bystander. field reports, We have ensured that those who can relate to this hub of transport often meet here. Gurjan, can you send me the target truck’s license plate? Indeed has been sent We have to make sure. I will go inside. Hello, have a nice day. I’m a Shidam Dalek. The company I work for as an operations manager It requires a new fleet for transportation. I have come to discuss it. even I show you my card. Dagger, do you see the computer in the room? If the answer is yes, then ask once. apologies All the data of entry and exit of the vehicle should be on this computer. Get rid of the man and connect to the computer. Is there a clue? can i see it Can I be brief about the options? apologies! Can I get pricing information? Abstract I understand that. And I care about those things. I will call him I will be very grateful. I am in front of the computer. A password is required to enter the system. Well, I take care of that All you have to do is allow me to log in remotely. have arrived I’m looking to see if the target truck plate is listed. The target screen is in the panel menu. It will arrive during the day. Understood. Hi, I’m Shedam Dalek. Welcome In this list in your hand Price and rating ready. How did they know we were in the hotel that day? Do you know what I think about all the time? They come across in everything we do. So you are not taking necessary steps. I am not responsible for the recent changes in your life. If you were aware I’m hearing new excuses from you for every mistake you’ve made lately. But you know what I’m most surprised about? about what About the person who brought your face to this situation. Had I met him under other circumstances, the outcome would not have been the same. I am sure about it. Since she managed to get you to this point, He must be really good at his job. She was talented. If she was on our side, it might have been much better. He is tough, it would have benefited our work. anyway It didn’t matter what happened yesterday. A new day, a new adventure. Now the important thing is that Let’s focus on finishing the process we started, right? Everything is under my control. There will be no problem with the plans. I hope. Ammo is safe. We will distribute it soon. A heavily loaded truck entered the field of operation. Is this the truck we are looking for? Sir, the painting is the same. It looks like a truckload. Guys, what’s inside this truck is really important to us. Al-Bashq, now it’s your turn. Understood. I’m going to eat good health. I’m in search. what’s this! Selene is calling. Perfect timing! We don’t have time. They unload the truck. We’re not taking any chances until we get approval, Bashkirt. Be careful. What are you looking for brother? It’s probably an oil leak. There may be irritation in the lower part. you are right Do you understand these things? not more There is an industrial area nearby, you can take it there. Well thanks Selene makes a video call. He hasn’t done this before. There is something unnatural about Selene’s actions. I cannot answer now that I am in this condition. When she can’t get me, she can stop. Celine is very adamant what are you writing We have something important to discuss. What could it be? I don’t know, nothing comes to mind. Did he find out? Is it possible that ‘Umar was revealed? It would be a big problem if we didn’t answer the phone. But if you pick up, there will probably be more problems. We’ll take care of that later, guys Omar, you are going to the warehouse. Try to find ammo inside the safe. And you will hurry, hurry. At your command

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