Dagh e Dil Episode 22 Urdu Subtitles free Download

Black Car, Red Car. Dagh e Dil Episode 22 Urdu Subtitles free Download I’ve never heard of such a thing. Where did you use those bombs? thriller continues You won’t laugh. Where did you use those bombs, I’m telling you. Yildirim Bozok knows. tension music rises -What’s going on? – Move aside. -What’s going on? – Move aside! Take every breath you take as an opportunity. You are not weed, you will not grow again! What are you doing?

Dagh e Dil Episode 22 Urdu Subtitles free Download

What am I doing? This man attacked our homeland. He caused the lives of a lot of innocent people in the stadium. Will this still breathe? Can you be calm, please? tension music continues Yıldırım brother, will you calm down? tension music continues Do we need to do anything? -I do not know. -Wait a minute, stop. Look, if your anger is going to subside like this , okay, squeeze it. I want to kill this guy too, but will this man’s death be of any use to us? Just think.

Brother, look, whatever you do, I’m by your side. But maybe we’ll save other lives this way, think about it. Don’t do anything you’ll regret. Dagh e Dil Episode 22 Urdu Subtitles free Download You can forgive the person who wronged you, but never the person who wronged the country. the thriller continues the thriller continues the thriller continues Come on. tension music ends Whatever you say, Türkoğlu. I don’t understand anything from his long stare.

Why did you hit the man? I’m bored! I do too! Because it was forbidden for this man to breathe on this land! -He’s lived too long! -I know that too. I say why did you kill it? Maybe it would tell us something. We got the information. What else will we get? We learned that we will learn. Computer guy, didn’t you record the sounds? I did bro. I’m recording this too! I say why did you kill it? Maybe he would give us other information! What information would it give? We’ve got more! Do you know better than me?

Dagh e Dil Episode 22 Urdu Subtitles free Download

Ephraim? He just contacted Efraim. I understand. Well… OK. There is also this Halit. Maybe we should use Halit. What should we do about that Halit issue? Actually, Dagh e Dil Episode 22 Urdu Subtitles free Download Either way, they gave him the digital coins after all, and he was going to take it to Habtor. -You took the place of his friend. -emotional music So I think it’s good to make Halit talk again. Isn’t it, brother? emotional music continues Right bro? Ok. Well… -Come on, let’s go, let’s see.

Dagh e Dil Episode 22 Urdu Subtitles free Download

Dagh e Dil Episode 22 Urdu Subtitles free Download

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Lieutenant, get well soon, are you okay? I’m fine Mustafa, thank you. What are we doing in the stadium? Why are we going there? the thriller continues Dagh e Dil Episode 22 Urdu Subtitles free Download -To the stadium. -Ok. tension music rises Girl, why bother? What’s the trouble, Aunt Sevgi? Is there such a thing? Thank. How is Cinar? You named it Cinar, right? Yes, my daughter, we put Cinar. I hope his life will be as long as his name. Amen if GOD lets.

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