Aqif Episode 12 with Urdu Subtitles Free Download

Can we clarify a little here and there? Aqif Episode 12 with Urdu Subtitles Free Download Brother, this is the internet video, I’ll try it. That’s at most.tension music continues] Enough already. Who is this? habtor Habtor Bin Said.tension music continues] This is the bastard who detonated these bombs. I will find you. Turkey will withdraw from the Syrian region! Otherwise, we will attack everywhere from your parliament building to Anıtkabir! Take this warning seriously!

Aqif Episode 12 with Urdu Subtitles Free Download

This explosion is to show how serious we are.thriller continues] Let this video be released right after the explosion. Share it with the whole world. Everyone will see who Habtor Bin Said is. -You will turn right ahead. [Thriller music] Very neat work. When we get the money, we go to Germany. Exactly.the thriller continues]the thriller continues] Habtor Bin Said did as he was told. The whole world is talking about the explosion in Istanbul. Did you make the transfer? It happened. Our men are going to the specified address to deliver the cold wallet . From there we’ll deliver it to the Habtor. Beautiful.

Is our departure to Istanbul arranged? Everything is ready, sir. hm. Now it’s time to infiltrate Turkey’s veins .tension music rises] We ‘ll go into the tiniest detail. Even the closest will turn their backs. ends] Omar, is the camera on? Open commissioner. You said you don’t want a lawyer. Tell the camera, let’s get started. I don’t want a lawyer, okay? It happened. Tell me, where did you disappear in Austria?thriller music] -I don’t get it. -You got it, you got it! Where did you disappear to when the man’s brain exploded in Austria ?

As you said, when the man’s brain exploded, I left the place so that no harm would come to me . -Really? -Like that. My friend, aren’t you a security guard ? Aqif Episode 12 with Urdu Subtitles Free Download What happened? Did you run away scared in Austria? I didn’t say I was afraid. Put yourself in my place. You don’t just sit and watch when someone gets shot at the next table . Which you haven’t even watched. If I remember correctly, you went under the table with your brother.tension music continues] You are now a security guard. Let’s say we believe. What about the gun? The gun is my own licensed gun.

Aqif Episode 12 with Urdu Subtitles Free Download

In the meantime, it stayed there, I hope you found it. Find it, bring the gun, Omer. OK, commissioner.message tone]door opens and closes]tension music ends] My manager. Hey, come on, Canan. What is this? They were bringing you the file of the kid inside. Child hero. He received the Military Service Commendation Medal. He’s been working at the stadium for three months. Its place is known. We lost a lot of lives, don’t waste your time with this kid. Go to the scene immediately. Manager, you remember what happened in Austria weeks ago.

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-We met this friend there too. [thriller music] Is it that much of a coincidence? Ask anything you need to ask. If there is no blame, let it go. The messenger is swarming below. Don’t let the news get out that they arrested the hero soldier out of nowhere . Aqif Episode 12 with Urdu Subtitles Free Download We gave 33 martyrs, Canan. Hospitals are full, it will increase even more. Give your attention to the right spot. [tension music continues] [door opens]door closes]tension music ends] Ali Kuleli. How many months have you been working at the stadium? -Three months. [tension music] Where do you live?

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