Ates Kuslari Episode 12 with Urdu & English Subtitles Free Download

Now we’ll talk about Ates Kuslari Episode 12 with Urdu & English Subtitles Free Download My brother is dead, my pity, woman, have a little mercy! Orhan, look, I’m not a ruthless, insensitive woman either. Okay, I understand your sadness, but…

Ates Kuslari Episode 12 with Urdu & English Subtitles Free Download

Even the woman who will be the aunt of the children did not say or did not say that I would take care of my nephews! What should we do, it’s his fault! – It’s not a shame, Orhan! No one has to take on such a burden, my dear! Are we the only one, idiots! Didn’t Kadir say, “I’ll take care of my brother,” or not?

Did he say or didn’t he say? Yeah yeah. Ates Kuslari Episode 12 with Urdu & English Subtitles Free Download Okay, don’t mess with it again, this issue is closed here, huh, look, I’m pissed off again, then you know what’s going on with me. Let’s start. You didn’t eat anything. Come on, Omer. I don’t like it, man. My aunt also made soup, do you want me to warm it up?

I don’t want. Brother, I will not go to school anymore. Ates Kuslari Episode 12 with Urdu & English Subtitles Free Download – What do you mean I won’t go to school? Where did it come from? Brother, I have to work too, how will you look after the house alone? Did you worry about that ? Do you think I can’t? No, estagfurullah brother, so that we do not become a burden to you.

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If you are above me, Zorlu, you are not a burden to me, my son. What did you promise my father? You said you were going to be a doctor, didn’t you? Then you will keep your word. You will finish school too. You will study in beautiful universities. From now on, I am your mother and father . understood? Yes brother.

Ates Kuslari Episode 12 with Urdu & English Subtitles Free Download

Emel, come on, my sister. – My sister, my mother made rice pudding. Let me see, my sister. There is my sister. It’s very nice. – Yes, it’s very nice, my sister. How is this working? Asiye, I’m pressing this, I’m pressing it, the thing doesn’t give off steam. Stop, you burn it, let it go. Take a look at the tea. My mom didn’t do my hair like that. – How was my peanut doing? She was knitting. – Okay, we’ll knit, then.

Brother, if you want me to do it. No, girl, what are you going to run to? I will handle it. Shall I iron your shirt too? Look, it’ll be great, I swear I’m going to a job interview. What’s up bro? I mean, there is no such thing, so I’ll look into it. We’ll find your face, son, so I’ll find a job. Should we tell my uncle, he has an acquaintance or something – No, there is nothing we will not ask from them.

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How is it now, darling? It’s done bro, thanks. – Sit down late. Good morning, what are you doing at Yusuf 33 Good morning. Ates Kuslari Episode 12 with Urdu & English Subtitles Free Download – Good morning. What are you doing? – We were going to have breakfast, sit down late. No, I ate, but I swear I’ll drink your tea. Come on, come on. – Brother, I was going to iron it. As it is, come on.

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