Teskilat Episode 71 with Urdu & English Subtitles Free Download

Come on, my dear, you are sick, Teskilat Episode 71 with Urdu & English Subtitles Free Download come on, listen to words, come on, come on, come on, let’s see you. Guys, let’s go and have a bite or two at home, come on. No, uncle, I will not come, Asiye Ömer, come on, brother, come on, brother. Come on guys, come on. – Come on, Asiye. Brother. Melih, I caught this lady Suzan and Mr. Akif in bed ! Ha, the bus has arrived, Veli, I’m closing now. You said you’d get on the bus and go home. What happened that you got in that car?

Teskilat Episode 71 with Urdu & English Subtitles Free Download

Dad, did you say something to me? – No, son, I didn’t say anything. Come on daddy, let’s get some air too. Magnitude. Wake up my dear son. Dad, did my Teskilat Episode 71 with Urdu & English Subtitles Free Download mom wake up daddy? – No, my son hasn’t woken up yet. I brought you a cup of tea or something. I am going. – Where to dad? I’m going to the construction site, son, I have a job. Dad, do I need money, I have some money, should I give you some leftovers from the paint job?

Don’t worry about such things, my money. Okay, when there is an improvement, give it to me, son. Ok dad, don’t worry. – Come on, stay well. Father! Don’t worry, my son will get better, your mother will get better. Brother, are you at the construction site? Is Akif there? Ok. My brother is two months away from the key delivery I promised, or two months away, I’m coming to the construction site, the walls haven’t been built yet, what is this! What should I do now, what should I do with these employees?

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No, I can’t help but you’re telling the truth, and you’re telling the truth too, okay my friend, okay, I didn’t forget, we’re going out sometime, okay okay, I’ll call you later, come on. Veli, I was going to call you, but you know these things are powerful, I sent busy Erhan, but you said if you needed anything to the hospital or not. No need, thanks. We are here for whatever is needed, Veli, we are family after all. Look, you see, poor Fikret has received the mercy of the right child. How is Ms. Hatice? I hope it will be fine. – I hope so.

If he regains consciousness, we will find out what he was doing in that car. Did you stick with him? – How can I not hang out, Mr. Akif. Think about it Teskilat Episode 71 with Urdu & English Subtitles Free Download , I can’t put the pieces together, I’ll go crazy. What are the pieces you’re going to put together? It was at your last summer house, and you were there too. Yes, I was there too, there was a file left, I went to get it, what did your sister-in-law say to you? Suzan caught you and Ms. –

Teskilat Episode 71 with Urdu & English Subtitles Free Download

What a shameful thing to put on a label right away! I’ve never been able to like it, I can’t really like it! My wife doesn’t lie, and what you do is none of our business. My wife said she was at the bus stop. What happened to this accident, I ‘m trying to find out. What are you saying, Veli, what are you trying to say? We took your wife in the car and then we dumped her somewhere on the road, you mean? – I’m not saying anything like that. What are you saying then? I’m trying to find out what my wife was doing in your car . By Allah, you will ask your wife about it, brother.

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I sent Fikret back for a paperwork. After that, we cannot know whether they met at the bus stop or whether they had an agreement beforehand. What the hell are you saying? – Teskilat Episode 71 with Urdu & English Subtitles Free Download I say human being, I say Veli Beşer, I say. Here, I say it can fit the devil, I say go ask your wife, what should I say? You can’t mention my wife’s name, is my wife a dishonest one like you? Let it go, Parent! – Nasty bastard! damn! What are you doing! Who are you! Do you know who you’re talking to?

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