Aqif Episode 13 with Urdu Subtitles Free Download

Our loss has increased to 48 people, including 30 civilians and 18 police officers . Aqif Episode 13 with Urdu Subtitles Free Download Innocent people died. Lightning, innocent, innocent. Sorry president, I know. We have saved the tears and the looks of those innocent people who died in our hearts. They will pay for it. Meanwhile, we watched the video. I’ve identified the habtor, chairman.tension music] There’s that bastard behind them. It will use the money transfer to buy weapons .

Aqif Episode 13 with Urdu Subtitles Free Download

It’s probably somewhere on the eastern border now . It is preparing a place for itself between the YPG and the FSA. They said the explosives were of Iranian origin . Could this be getting help from Iran? I don’t think so, butthe thriller continues] it might be too early to talk like that. Maybe we need to go there. Whatever we need to do, let’s do it right away. Besiktas. -Sir, welcome. -Welcome sir. Welcome sir. Welcome, Mr. Hartman. Welcome sir. Dear colleagues, dear members of the press , I am very happy to be with you once again today. First of all ,

I would like to express my regrets about the treacherous attack that took place yesterday in Turkey. While I offer my condolences to those who lost their lives in this attack and their families, I wish those injured to regain their old healthy days as soon as possible . Turkey is a rapidly growing and developing country and unfortunately its enemies are doing everything they can to prevent this . Even though another country’s name is written on my ID and passport, my mind is always on Turkey’s side. My heart always beats for this land, for Turkey.

Aqif Episode 13 with Urdu Subtitles Free Download

With the scholarships provided by our foundation and with this project , we sent hundreds of Turkish young people to Europe, France, Germany, Belgium and America for education. Today I proudly say they are all coming back. They will return. And they will do their best to be useful to their country and this land. I would like to thank all my colleagues and all of you for this project you have realized . As the head of the foundation, I personally became the head of the Turkey branch of the foundation that we established to keep the name of my family alive in Europe and in many countries.

And I will be here with my colleagues for a long time. Bravo! Bravo! We need to create a much better world for our children and young people. we owe it to them. And we will do it together in this land, in this country, for them. Thank you all once again for your contribution.thriller music]Goran Losic] I’m going to make you narrow this country. No death until you see this republic destroyed, every inch of its land shattered . I’ll give you one and take ten from you. Mr. Özcan, this is our successful education manager , Ms. Narin, I heard her name a lot but we never met. around here?

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That director of education, Narin Toprak. Find out who it is. Let’s get to know our successful education manager.Aqif Episode 13 with Urdu Subtitles Free Download Does this earth smell so good because it got you? Oh Mine. I said that if I keep silent, maybe my pain will be relieved, but being silent while it burns like a fire is the worst of pain. Silence is speaking to one’s heart.emotional music] Throwing in. But he can’t get into it, Mine. I… I couldn’t hold us together. I couldn’t protect my nest. Look, you’re here on the ground, and I’m still alive, empty.

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