Kurulus Osman Episode 114 Urdu Subtitles free

The situation is turning against us. Kurulus Osman Episode 114 Urdu Subtitles free This spring Shabbat, there was no deep snow. Ssp Chopar is going to Gurganch, the prince’s victory will be celebrated in the ice palace, insha’Allah. God willing. Ssp my sister is a princess.

Always tell us what you learned today in the library, so we know. I have memorized the poem, sister. Training We are sleeping from Nizami, such a sister will be very pleasant to you. 1 I have memorized the poem, say it will be acceptable. So crazy and crazy. Tell me, what is the legal position and what is the status of majnoun?

Kurulus Osman Episode 114 Urdu Subtitles free

Whoever plucks a flower from this desert will surely perish as a grain I didn’t find any regular words during hair I could not find a fairer buyer than Shahanshah, who only went to Shirvan. Hello everyone, this is the national center and I don’t know what is going on with the president sen o’qishda davom etdi. Men tezda qaytaman.

Sska keng. Ssp qo’llaringizni uzating uzat uzat uza uz teparoq uzat viloyat roq ko’tardi ko’ramiz qanday joriy oyligingizni qon. Oylik sadoqatli ekansiz sssr ularga bu jazoning sababi ma’lum 1 sssr kon sultonga bu ishni qilgan asl jazosiz qolmaydi ssp. Modomiki so’zlamoq istamas ekansiz men so’zlashmoqda.


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Yo’lini topib men balandroq balandroq ko’tarish qo’llaringizda. Ssp jonini o’ylagan so’zlasin gapimga ishoning mukofotida juda ulug’vor a so’zi turkon sultonlik imtihonlarda so’zlar xona men qayerda bo’layin qasam ichimlik ichardi ish maktab ko’rmadi. Ssiqxona bo’lmay balki sssr yetarli. Nima qilayotganini bilasanmi sen? Bu yana buyrug’i mi? E’tirozim bormi. Ssp malikam.

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