Red Apple Episode 6 with Urdu Subtitles Free Download

Speak Turkish, Red Apple Episode 6 with Urdu Subtitles Free Download I understand Turkish, okay? Ezgi, it’s okay. I forwarded the plates to the security system. Abi, Ali is currently in AntiTerrorism. They’ll be questioning soon. He introduced himself as stadium security. Okay, we need to get him out of there as security guards without revealing his identity. Ok? Brother, he is very good at these matters. He can even convince the other person that he is the child of a Chinese family, but don’t worry. The plan is already ready. tension music continues Omer, what did you do?

Red Apple Episode 6 with Urdu Subtitles Free Download

I brought the person, captain, in your room. Red Apple Episode 6 with Urdu Subtitles Free Download. Omer, what are you doing in my room? Get in custody. Should I be handcuffed? I’ll start with your handcuffs now! Did you find out who and what? There was no identification on him. He said he works at the stadium, did you check? I told friends, we are investigating all the details about the person. Hurry, Omar, don’t make me crazy! One of the terrorists was injured, what happened? Any news? Now the news has come. He died in the car on the way to the hospital. We have two bodies. Ok. Tell them to speed up the forensic reports.

thriller ends Do you have a lawyer? No need, I think. You’re going to release it soon anyway. Thriller music Come on? We communicate remotely. Okay, what should we do with Ali, brother? Let’s see a computer first, and then later. All right, let’s get that head checked too. OK, we’ll handle it. tension music continues Cem, I will give you our license plate and another vehicle. Will you give it to security? If we come across a translation or something, they should not stop us. OK, let me get the plates. tension music continues Yusuf, contact bomb disposal immediately. Let’s find out exactly what they found. Okey brother. Brother, are you okay? Are you okay? We’re fine, we’re fine.

Red Apple Episode 6 with Urdu Subtitles Free Download

We’re fine, we’re fine, it’s okay. Not important. It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter. Don’t worry, it’s okay. What did you do? Ezgi and Kemal are after cryptographers right now. Did they make this money transfer? They’re off the internet. We think they switched to the satellite network using Barracuda. Either way , they get rid of all DDoS and similar attacks. They probably did a quick cash to coin, coin to change. What do you say girl? I do not understand. I don’t understand your language. Did they make this money transfer? Yes, they probably made the transfer. Yeah, like this. OK, commissioner. the thriller continues Get up! Take this to the interrogation room!

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Thank you. elevator beeps Have a good one. See you. See you, bye. tension music Cem, is the transmitter working? You’re great, it’s active. Cem It has a life span of three hours. I define the transmitter to the GPS application on the tablet next to you. Red Apple Episode 6 with Urdu Subtitles Free Download You can follow it from there. Ok. tension music continues music ends Is there a lot of loss of life, any news? You’re late, take a seat. One patience. Okay? Wait here. I’m asking something. Too many casualties? Any news? My Canan Commissioner will do your questioning, okay? Have a little patience, sit down.

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