Teskilat Episode 73 with Urdu & English Subtitles Free Download

I wish you hadn’t sent it. Teskilat Episode 73 with Urdu & English Subtitles Free Download I wish Nebahat hadn’t sent it! And why are you sending the woman to clean the summer house in the middle of winter anyway? I do n’t know, Akif, I thought we’d go on the weekend, maybe there would be a change, we could get some air! Nothing will happen to aunt Hatice, right? – I hope not, my God!

Teskilat Episode 73 with Urdu & English Subtitles Free Download

I’m very nervous, I’ve been very bad! Nebahat, okay, don’t cry, for God’s sake, don’t cry, that’s enough. Here’s the invisible accident, but I wish it had not happened now! I hate that the name of the company is involved in such events, Akif! I hate it too, partner, I ‘m not a fan either, but what can we do, it’s just an accident. I’m swollen, I swear I’m swollen! Also, we will not stand still with our hands tied. As a company, we will be with the families whatever we can, materially and morally.

There is nothing else we can do from now on . I’m going to go to a bathroom. I’m bloated. I’ll look into a kitchen too. Be patient guys. Don’t think of anything bad. Don’t worry, we’ll just go out and go home from here. I hope dad. Veli sir – Yes. get well soon I am from Ataman Holding Mr. Akif is very upset about the accident. He asked me to convey his best wishes. They also want to cover your spouse’s hospital expenses personally.

He said, ” Oh, you’re on leave until your wife gets better, so Akif should not think about the job.” Why did that driver leave my wife? So I don’t know all that detail. Do you know how to win? – Of course, a vehicle coming from the side road had a broken brake. So the other party is completely guilty. Unfortunately, the owner of the vehicle also died in the accident. Look what you did to my wife, may Allah forgive your negligence.

Parent, if you need anything, don’t hesitate. No, we can’t need anything other than to heal my wife . Again get well soon. Get well soon. Who’s this? Mr. Akif sent him, he said, let’s cover the expenses, he said, “You don’t have that stupid brother of yours, I don’t want it.” No pants on your ass makes you proud to wear it! Şengül, for God’s sake, don’t get involved. Good morning my baby. You were hurting my heart, Suzan.

You don’t have a heart, Akif! If it were, you would feel a little guilty and sad about what happened to Hatice ! Am I not sad, of course I am. What should I do, shed tears? So what should I do? Besides, it ‘s not my fault that I hit the woman with the car? What’s wrong with you? If you hadn’t followed the woman because I was going to talk, that woman would have taken the bus to go home, and all this would not have happened to her! You were with me too, you wanted to meet me there.

I was not alone there. So if you’re looking for a criminal, stop looking at me and take a look in the mirror behind you. How do I know that all this will happen! Okay, then don’t do that, don’t talk about it anymore! Don’t say that anymore! Also, don’t stare down there like that! How do you know so many maids working in our house? Is this your family friend? Don’t be sad anymore, don’t be sad, look, I can’t stand you. It was not our fault, invisible accident. Here’s what’s going to happen, it’s done. You don’t get upset at all, Akif!

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What kind of man are you, Akif! What kind of man is my husband? He was a good The moon is killing me, my dear Akif, it’s a shame, but come on, I’m used to your jokes like this, but Suzan will be taken now. No, I’m not offended, Nebahat, well, we’re used to Akif’s jokes now, aren’t we? Anyway, I came to see if the girl had put some clean towels, there was. Now I can go down with peace of mind. Clean clean, clean towels all the time. You’re making a joke that’s cold, and he’s not even laughing.

I froze, I froze for two minutes, I froze, so thank God you came and we warmed up a little. For God’s sake, Akif will be quiet now. – Oh… wait, let me fix my make-up. I’m ruined. I’m coming downstairs. Okay, I’m going down then. – Okay okay. Dad, doctor! – How is your mother? Do n’t worry, we are doing everything we can. Will we be able to see? – Not possible for now, maybe later. If they don’t show it, I swear we’ve been hurt since morning! This poor person is also coughing badly. I’m going to take Emel, too .

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