Yalniz Kurt Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles

Smoky mountain brioche, crazy of Dulkadir, Yalniz Kurt Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles son of Ulaş Salur Kazan destroyed a hundred thousand enemies, yet he did not brag about saying “alpim, erim”. One day, Salur Kazan left his army and went hunting alone.

He saw lights burning like torches in seven places at the foot of the black mountain. Yalniz Kurt Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles He set off from the top of the mountain.

When he got close to the place where the lights were, he saw an object like a hill. The seven earth universes stumbled upon a dragon. It was that dragon’s eyes that burned like torches in seven places. It was the saliva of that dragon’s mouth that was smoking thickly in seven places! It wouldn’t be prudent, he thought,

Yalniz Kurt Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles
Yalniz Kurt Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles

to kill while the cauldron was sleeping. He took an arrow from his quiver and threw it at the dragon, waking it up. The awakened dragon breathed fire,
burned the floors, took a breath, exploited everything! Kazan begged God; He said, O Perverdigar, show me the way to salvation, give me strength!

Although the dragon repeatedly tried to breathe fire and burn it, Yalniz Kurt Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles breathing and swallowing it, it could not take Kazan’s life!

Yalniz Kurt Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles

He poured the eighty arrows from his quiver before him and threw them one after another at the dragon. The arrowed dragon had no more to exploit, and it began to die. With his strong black steel sword, the cauldron cut off all seven of the dragon’s heads and dropped them to the ground!

The smoky mountain borage Salur Kazan killed the seven-headed dragon in his first fight! Yalniz Kurt Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles I am Davut Bahadir. I’ve been fighting Goliath for sixty years,

I couldn’t bring him to my knees. I was cornered. I thought everything was over. Then… a wind blew from far away. Now there are sparks in the fire that is about to go out. It’s a call! A call to ally with the Lone Wolf and fight against Goliath. Legend is reborn from the ashes. Father! Father. – Shh… Come on. Come on, hop. Look, come forward. I am brave. I’m proud of you. How brave were you? Not at all, I was very afraid. If you look at him,

Yalniz Season 1 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles

I’m scared too. Why didn’t you shoot the wolf? You looked into his eyes too, he had no hostility towards us. Wolves live in packs, but this was solitary. A lone wolf, apparently expelled from his pack or choosing to live alone. There was no danger to us.

If it was dangerous, you had a rifle, you are stronger than him. you would kill him wouldn’t you? Power is dangerous, son. You need to know who to use it against. Besides, it wasn’t a game animal that we could eat. So what happens if we harm a creature that does not harm us and kill it?

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We’d be cruel, wouldn’t we? Look… If you use your power against someone equal or stronger than you when necessary, you will be valiant. But if you use it against someone weaker than you, then you become cruel. Use your power to protect the oppressed against the oppressor. Mom, we saw the wolf! My son won’t let us go hunting again after your mother.

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Hide brave! My son! Love! How many valiant sons! How much! Come inside quick! Yigit run! Come on come on come on! Come on come on come on! Come on! Leave me! Leave! Leave! Leave! Leave! Leave! Quick! Quick! Quick! Get in the car! Come on come on come on! Love.

Yavuz! My son! Yavuz! Yavuz! My son! First Lieutenant Davut Bahadır. Command me, sir. There was a raid in the area of Yıldırımlar, Davut We don’t know the situation,

Watch Yalniz Kurt Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles

please contact immediately. Yes, sir. See if there are any survivors! I’m in command! stop stop! Stop boy stop stop stop! Stop boy! Wait, I’m a soldier of this state. My name is Davut Bahadır.

Calm down. What’s your name? Yavuz Yıldırım is my brother Halit Yıldırım. Shh okay okay. Come on. It’s passed, it’s passed. First Lieutenant – Commander The little one doesn’t speak out of fear. But the elder told what happened. Last night, a group of men came to the village with their vehicles. They shouted communists, the children heard. Of course, everyone in the village is their relatives. They shouted the name of Kemal Yıldırım, the father of these children.

They were looking for him and they killed the evil last man. Kemal Yıldırım’s main occupation is bakery, sir. He is a religious person who is believed to be loved by people. For this reason, he is also the imam of the village. I know the villagers well.

They were all people who loved their country and were loyal to their state. I know David, I know, it’s a blood feud anyway.

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Yalniz Kurt In Urdu Subtitles Episode 1

It doesn’t look that simple, sir. So what? Do you have any other information on the subject? Kemal Yıldırım had been in contact with intelligence recently. There are statements about the spying activities of the American peace volunteers working in the region. What would an American do with the imam of the village?

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They recruited some Turkish intelligence personnel to work on behalf of the CIA, sir. Look, David, my first lieutenant, don’t make the water muddy. You’ll get us in trouble. What America! All of the children’s relatives died. The subject of those who will be left in the orphanage is closed! I would like to be personally involved. It’s possible.

You wait for me here now. I’ll talk to your manager and come over, okay. Wow grandchildren! Bald on the first day? Your head is number three too! It’s good on your neck, give me a full swag. – Akela Bahria Episode 1 In Urdu I do not give! You give, you give. I do not give! My father left it to me. No, he left it to me. Be heavy! – He attacked first, Turan! Then! Then nothing. We were already going.

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